Finding Meaning in Work [Dan Cumberland]

Have you ever thought about the connection between what you do and its deeper purpose?

Do you think that repetitive and mundane weekday tasks aren’t allowing you to thrive?

Do you crave the weekend?

This week we sat down with Dan Cumberland. Dan is the host of The Meaning Movement Podcast and Founder of

Dan grew up believing that he wanted to be a Pastor. He thought he had a calling from God to that line of work and that was to be his life. He had a realisation that he wasn’t doing this for himself, but to satisfy the expectations of those around him. He knew he wanted to help people, but wasn’t sure that work in the ministry was for him.

He talks about the four P’s when it comes to finding meaning in work:

People: the relational side of the work. Finding meaning by investing in your team, clients and coworkers

Process: the art of the work. The day in and day out of your work. The rewarding feeling of having expertise.

Product: the end product of what you’re doing. The change that you’re making in the world.

Profit: it’s not only the money, but the benefits and the lifestyle. All the ways that the work contributes back to you.

By reflecting on these you can develop a mindset about what work means to you, and what you value most. If you’re at a point in your life when you’re thinking about changing careers – thinking about changing lanes – reflecting on these driving forces can help guide you.

“Here is the recipe for fulfilling my work situation. How much of what I am doing currently can fit into that recipe? How much can I change what I’m currently doing to activate more of those themes”

To hear the full conversation with Dan Cumberland, listen to episode 39 of It’s Never About Money.


> The Meaning Movement:
> The Meaning Manifesto:
> The Meaning Movement Accelerator Program:

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