Finding Balance in Family Business

I recently was invited to talk to Shane and Andrea McKenna on Q&A with S&A by the Aintree Group. We had an honest and open conversation about achieving balance and success when running a family business.

It was incredible to be able to talk candidly about my approach to financial advising, the It’s Never About Money podcast and our family business. Being a family business, and working exclusively with family businesses, is something we are immensely proud of, but it does come with its unique challenges.

Finding the right balance between your professional and personal life is integral when running a family business. Some ways we find this balance is by establishing clear roles and responsibilities, communicating openly and transparently, and setting boundaries between family and business.

A big thank you to Shane and Andrea for having me on for a chat!

Listen to Q&A with S&A here or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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