Through the many, and varied, conversations with all our guests, six universal themes come up time and time again. It is these themes that define who we are and what we hold to be most important in the world.
Our podcast aims to help you help find meaning in your life, and help you pursue it. This is why we created our Resources section of this site. You can find all resources below, or search by category using the resources menu.
Discover the themes of It’s Never About Money here
The following resources have been provided by guests and friends of the It’s Never About Money podcast.
Simon Brown is the co-CEO of Banqer, a leading financial education platform that has reached over half a million school students across Australasia. His primary
Simon Brown is the co-CEO of Banqer, a leading financial education platform that has reached over half a million school students across Australasia. His primary
The Use & Uses of Money is a free resource to start the conversation with kids about money and its uses. This booklet was made
Dan Cumberland from the Meaning Movement has written about the Six Foundational Truths for Work Worth Doing in his free e-book, the Meaning Manifesto. You
With over 57,000 charities in Australia it’s so hard to know who to trust and where your money is even going?
Articles by It’s Never About Money.
Here at It’s Never About Money, we strongly believe that a life well lead incorporates more than just accumulating financial wealth. Having said this, we acknowledge the importance of
I recently was invited to talk to Shane and Andrea McKenna on Q&A with S&A by the Aintree Group. We had an honest and open conversation about achieving balance
It was hot. I’m talking 45 degrees or even more. My brother, James, and I were on a small bus, navigating the streets of Port Moresby.
There are so many things that happen in our own personal lives, and in the world at large, that pull us in many different directions.
In January 2023, Joe sat down with Dan Cumberland on The Meaning Movement – a podcast that gives entrepreneurs insights to recalibrate their work/life balance